Post Processing Challenge

The idea for this challenge is to see how much post processing can alter the final image.

Members are asked to submit one image which is then forwarded to three others for their take on post processing, in any way they choose. The final images, and the owners original and post processed images are then compared.

This is a light-hearted evening where we take a look at how we individually make decisions about the interpretation and presentation of a subject when we post-process an image.

To make this a success we need to have volunteers, to become  "players".

Each "player" will submit a couple of JPEG images; (1) the un-processed / un-sized image, plus (2) a processed version of the same image, tweaked according to the players own particular style.

Each "player" will then receive three of the un-processed versions of images from other "players", and then post-process as they see fit (remember this is for fun, no holds barred!).

On the night, we will share for each image, the un-processed version, the originator's processed version, and three processed versions from other "players". Members can discuss how they approached the task and any techniques they used.

Fun is the order of the day, so do let your creative juices flow! All image files will be renamed so we won't know whose image we are editing!

All image files should be

  • jpeg (to avoid camera specific raw image issues) in sRGB
  • file sizes less than 2Mb if possible by adjusting compression to medium (to reduce problems in email transfer)


The master file should be

  • original size in pixels out of camera unprocessed and uncropped (to allow maximum processing freedom)



If you want to send an image that you have already processed, then in Lightroom first of all create a virtual copy, and then in the develop module you can click on reset to remove all edits.

To export your file to jpeg use the  . . .file . . . export routine, and set the settings to

  • image format: jpeg
  • Colour space: sRGB
  • click on "limit file size" and set to 2000Kb or 2Mb (dependent on how your preferences are set)
  • make sure "resize to fit" is NOT clicked