I Shoot . . . . . Lots of Things

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

Tonight we have a few members giving us brief talks/shows of something different. "Lake Life" from Russ, what he enjoys taking at his local fishing lake. "2023 Part 1" from Robert, let's guess what this is about??

Outdoor Shoot – Light Painting in Coventry with Brent

Coventry City Centre

The Art Of Light Painting - Coventry Cathedral Join us tonight for a shoot around the City Centre based by the Cathedral. Brent Thompson will be leading the night showing how to create some unusual and creative images using various lights with the Cathedral as a dramatic backdrop. Meet-up 7.00pm by the Cathedral steps

Guest Speaker – Martin Robinson

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

Wildlife. Martin has two very different tales for us tonight, both centred on wildlife. We can look forward to a varied selection of images with stories to match. Wildlife on the Chobe River in Botswana. In Search of Puma in Chile.    

Merit Competition Round Two

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

The second round of our Annual Merit Competition. Members will be asked to submit up to 2 pdi (projected digital image) and 2 prints on any subject. The only provisos being they must have been taken within the last two years, and not having been in one of our competitions before. Additionally one pdi can

Annual Awards 2024

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

A look at some of the best photographs from last year and some recognition for our award winning photographers. We'll be handing over the trophies, and each winner will be receiving their certificates.    In the second half of the evening we will have the pleasure of seeing images from some of our best photographers. Both

Studio Shoot – Playing with Light

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

Join us tonight, and bring your cameras for session with the theme, "Playing With light". We will have all our studio equipment available, together with a variety of potential subjects. If you wish to bring your own then please do so. Close focus lenses and tripods will be useful.

JPS Panel Competition

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

This week is our Annual Panel Competition. Panels require a set of 3 images that work as a group, on any subject. This will be judged by an external judge. You can enter a maximum of 2 panels - either PDI or Prints or one of each.  You can see previous winning panels and the

Christmas Social

Forget photography - just a good old fashioned social night . . . . .

Travelling Portfolio PDI & Image Share from our studio nights

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

The start of the night will be a look at the PDI from The Travelling Portfolio having already looked at the Print Section back in September. This will be followed after a break with our own PDI from some of our events earlier in the season which looked at LIGHT, GEOFF and FRUIT Images from

Members . . . . . Technical Stuff

JPS 12 Kinlet Close, Coventry, United Kingdom

Tonight we have members giving us brief talks/shows of something different. Alex will be taking us through some of the features and uses of Photoshop, it is his day job, well the graphics design side anyway. We will be asking members for any questions or things they need help with so that Alex can be